The symptoms of phosphorus deficiency start on older leaves. The leaves show a darker, blue-green color, and yellow chlorotic zones develop in the intercostal areas from the leaf margin. Later, these zones coalesce and become necrotic with a light brown color.
Phosphorus deficiency
Excess nitrogen fertilization also leads to a blue-green color of the leaves.
Manganese deficiency also causes marginal necrosis, but these have a darker color.
Banana - Growth retardation
Slow growth with thin and woody stems; petioles break easily.
Phosphorus deficiency
Phosphorus deficiency made worse by
Acidic or very alkaline (calcareaus) soils
Low organic matter
Cold or wet conditions
Crops with a poorly developed root system
Soils with low P reserves
Soils with a high phosphate capacity
Iron rich soils
Phosphorus is important for
Part of nucleic acids, phospholipids and energy storing and transferring systems in plants
Important for root growth, flower development and fruit set